Sunday, 14 April 2013

Parish Plan Complete

The final, authorised version of the Kingsley Parish Plan will be dropping through letter boxes within the next couple of weeks.  It has been a long process from inception to publication and the steering group would like to thank everyone for their various contributions without which we would have no plan. 

The plan is just back from the printers and we expect to deliver each household a copy during the  week ending 27th April 2013.  We have placed a copy of the plan on the parish plan website which may be found at  Also, we have placed on our website the results of the plan consultation and links to the agenda (yet to be finalised) for the Parish Meeting in May.

There are a couple of final tasks the steering group has to do. 

23rd April - present the plan to councillors at the Local Community Forum at Four Marks Village Hall. This is an open meeting, beginning at 6.30 pm. 

21st May - our final public event is to present at the Parish Meeting.  The focus of that meeting will be to discuss how to translate the plan into implemented actions. 

4th June - the steering group will hold a winding-up meeting on when we formally close our work.

Brian Herbert
Chairman, Kingsley Parish Plan Steering Group

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