Monday, 29 April 2013

Conservative victory on Thursday

Following on from this and this, I received a very professional leaflet from Mark Kemp-Gee (Conservative) laying out his stall as it were  in support of his candidacy for the county council elections THIS THURSDAY.

I can only assume that Maureen Comber (Liberal Democrat), Rigby Andrews (UKIP) and Jan Treacher (Labour) are not taking the possibility of them actually being elected all that seriously.

Alternative suppositions include:- don't care about the electorate; can't think of anything to say; can't be bothered.

Possibly, they just haven't got round to it - who knows?

I stand by my prediction that Mark will win (he's the only one trying)


  1. Have you been paying attention. I had a leaflet from those nice people at UKIP. Perhaps they skipped your house - they may deem you to be foreign-looking.
    Alas, I cannot help you by telling you what they said, as I did not read their communication.

  2. I only received a leaflet from the Lib Dems. Perhaps these candidates are not too sure where we live. I didn't get to see the 'professional' Conservative one, but let's be honest, he's probably not going to need to try very hard round these parts anyway!
