The local highway authority is Hampshire County Council who maintain the definitive map and statements. You can use their interactive map facility to view the locations of the various rights of way and also to report problems with individual paths.
The descriptions of such rights within the parish boundaries are:
No. | Status | Route |
1 | Bridleway | From Parish Boundary westwards along gravel farm road to Rookery Farm, through field gate and a long farm track to field gate at the Parish Boundary |
2 | Footpath | From No. 1 northwards along verge of pasture, through field gate, along verge of pasture, through field gate, over footbridge and across pasture to junction with No. 3. |
3 | Footpath | From B3004 over stile, southwestwards across arable field, through field gate at junction with No. 2, across pasture and over stile at the Parish Boundary. |
4 | Footpath | From C70 eastwards along sandy track unenclosed across heathland to unmetalled Road U230 at the Parish Boundary. |
5 | Footpath | From B3004 southwestwards across arable field, over stile, across pasture, over rails and ditch, across pasture, through gap at junction with No. 7, across pasture, over footbridge, across pasture, over stile, across arable field, over stile, crossing railway, over stile, then across arable field, through gap, across arable field, through field gate, then across common land crossing No. 28 to junction with No. 4. |
6 | Footpath | "Sandy Lane": From B3004 southeastwards along earth track enclosed between stream and banks, then along gravel lane to junction with No. 7. |
7 | Footpath | From B3004 southwestwards along sandy track unenclosed across heathland, crossing Nos. 10 and 8 and along gravel lane to junction with No. 6, then along earth track enclosed between banks, through field gate, over cattlebridge, along verge of pasture, through gateway, along grass track, enclosed approximately 15 ft. wide between hedges through field gate, over level crossing, through field gate, then along gravel track enclosed approximately 12 ft. wide between stream and banks, over 12 ft. wide bridge, and along track on to Road C70. |
8 | Footpath | From Parish Boundary northwards along sandy track enclosed approximately 25 ft. wide between wire fences, through gap, along earth track approximately 12 ft. wide between banks, then unenclosed across common, and along gravel and cinder track to Road B3004 at Kingsley Pond. |
9 | Footpath | From No. 10 near Coldharbour southwestwards along sandy track unenclosed across heathland, then along earth track unenclosed through trees to junction with No. 8. |
10 | Footpath | From No. 8 near Kingsley Pond eastwards along 9 ft. wide grass track unenclosed across Kingsley Common, crossing Nos. 7, 11, 12 and 13, and out on to Road B3004 at Sleaford Bridge. |
11 | Footpath | From No. 14 northeastwards along sandy track, unenclosed across Kingsley Common, then northwards to join B3004 at Coldharbour. |
12 | Footpath | From No. 11 southwestwards along sandy track unenclosed across Kingsley Common to junction with No. 9 at Gold Hill |
13 | Footpath | From B3004 southeastwards along sandy track, unenclosed across Kingsley Common to junction with No. 9 at cottages |
14 | Footpath | From No. 8 eastwards along sandy track unenclosed across heathland to junction with No. 9 at Kingsley Common |
15 | Footpath | From C70 through field gate, and northwestwards across arable field, through field gate, across pasture and through hedge at the Parish Boundary. |
16 | Footpath | From C70 through field gate, northeastwards along verge of pasture, over double wire fence, along headland of arable field, over wire fence and across pasture to gap at the Parish Boundary. |
17 | Footpath | From No. 16 northeastwards across arable field, over wire fence, across pasture, through gap, across arable field, then along sunken earth track enclosed 12 ft. wide between hedges, to the Parish Boundary. |
18 | Footpath | From No. 19 northwestwards along headland of arable field and through gap, at junction with No. 17. |
19 | Footpath | From road B3004 west of the Kingsley Centre northwards along gravel drive enclosed approximately 12 ft. wide between hedges, through field gate, along grass track, over 4 ft. wide concrete footbridge, along headland of arable field, over 3 ft. wide timber footbridge, along verge of pasture, over stile, up wooden steps, across railway, down wooden steps, over stile, across arable field and through gap at the Parish Boundary. |
20 | Footpath | From road U229 (Sickles Road/Lane) south of Kingsley Halt through field gate, northeastwards along headland of arable field, through field gate, along verge of pasture and through gap at junction with No. 27. |
21 | Footpath | From Road B3004 at Ganders Farm northeastwards along track between farm buildings, through field gate, across concrete road, through wicket gate, along verge of pasture, over wire fence at junction with No. 27, then along earth track, unenclosed between arable fields, and southwards between buildings of Malthouse Farm to junction with No. 30. |
22 | Footpath | From No. 30 at Osbornes Farm through field gate, eastwards along earth track and through gateway on to Road A325. |
23 | Footpath | From Parish Boundary at Mowlands southwards along metalled farm road enclosed 14 ft. wide between hedges through two field gates at Grooms Farm then along earth and cinder track approximately 12 ft. wide, enclosed between hedges to junction with No. 25 then along grass track to cattlebridge. |
24 | Footpath | From No. 23 north of Grooms Farm over cattlebridge, through gap, westwards along verge of pasture, over stile, along verge of pasture, over 4 ft. wide concrete footbridge, then across pasture, and through field gate on to Road. A325. |
25 | Footpath | From Parish Boundary at Kites Hill southwestwards across pasture, through gap, across arable field, through gap and gateway, across pasture, and through field gate at junction with No. 23. |
26 | Footpath | From No. 23 south of Grooms Farm through field gate, eastwards along earth track, then along grass path on headland of arable field, through gateway, along verge of pasture, and over rails on to Road U231 (unmetalled) to No. 29 Cradle Lane |
27 | Footpath | "Tank alley": From road B3004 opposite Coldharbour through field gate, northwards along grass track enclosed approximately 25 ft. wide between hedges, narrowing to approximately 9 ft. wide between banks, through gateway, along headland of arable field, through gap, along headland of arable field, over wire fence, along verge of pasture and through gap at the Parish Boundary. |
28 | Bridleway | From C70 southeastwards along metalled road unenclosed across heathland, then along sandy track, and over 12 ft. wide concrete bridge at the Parish Boundary. |
29 | BOAT | "Cradle Lane" : From Parish Boundary southeastwards along earth track approximately 12 ft. wide enclosed between banks and hedges to ford and 2 ft. wide footbridge at the Parish Boundary. A permanent Traffic Regulation Order prohibits motor vehicles having three or more wheels from using this lane as from 6th April 2012 Incidents involving bad or illegal behaviour on Cradle Lane can be reported directly to Hampshire County Council by completing this form. |
30 | Bridleway | From road B3004 at Malthouse Farm northeastwards along metalled lane approximately 10 ft. wide enclosed between hedges and banks to Osbornes Farm, then northwards along gravel track enclosed approximately 15 ft. wide between banks and hedges then along grass track between hedges to Parish Boundary. |
31 | Footpath | From No. 7 at Kingsley Mill through gateway and eastwards along unenclosed path, across pasture to footbridge at Parish Boundary. |
501 | Bridleway | B3004 to Forge Road |
- Byway Open to All Traffic. Legal term for a minor unsurfaced or unsealed highway or route with vehicular rights, which is marked on the Definitive map. The public has the right to pass and repass on foot, horseback, pedal cycle and by vehicle but the route is used mainly by pedestrians and/or horses.
- Bridleway
- A route legally available for walkers, horse riders, and bicycles.
- Carriageway
- A route for vehicles of all descriptions. Public carriageway is the highest level of Right of Way. Horse-riders and walkers may also use (almost) all carriageways except motorways.
- Definitive Map & Statement (DM & S)
- Official record of public rights in the countryside, available for inspection and copying at county and district council offices. Not all unsurfaced vehicular ways are shown, and any public paths shown may also have vehicular rights. The term 'definitive' is used to mean 'shown on the Definitive Map' rather than 'beyond doubt'. The Statement which goes with the Map should detail the width, and any gates, etc.
- Footpath
- A route on which any member of the public may walk or run. Prams, and dogs under control, may accompany walkers.
- Footway
- A route for pedestrians alongside a carriageway, normally provided with a kerb and paving. Not the same as footpath, and not shown on the DM & S.
- Highway
- A route along which members of the public have a right to pass and repass. Highways are all public, and may be footpaths, bridleways, byways or carriageways. Technically the highway is the route, the right of way is the right to use it.
- Restricted Byway
- A route for walkers, horse riders, cyclists and horsedrawn carriages.
- Road Used as a Public Path. This classification has now been abolished and all RUPPs have been reclassified.