Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Kingsley Fete in the old days

Kingsley fete was, I suppose, the highlight of the summer calendar and was held each year in the grounds of the Cricketers. In those days the area behind the large barn was all grass and, therefore, from the rear of the barn all the way down to the fence in front of Ockham Hall was a large paddock. Today the area of which I speak behind the barn is a car park. It was in the whole of this area that the festivities associated with the fete took place.
Along the fence by the Hall was erected a large marquee and in this various competitions would take place. There were jam and wine making competitions together with flower and vegetables. Handicrafts were also represented. For the children the most popular competition was a garden on a plate this was usually very well supported and most of us submitted an entry. Drawing / painting was also available for children to compete in. In addition to the competition displays there were a number of stalls selling various items. The ever popular cake stall and the white elephant stall would both be well patronised. I remember one year someone had donated a number of large volumes containing editions of Boys Own Paper bound within the covers. I bought several and they were prized possessions of mine. Containing, as they did, all the sorts of things boys enjoyed and detailed plans of how to make all sorts of interesting models and gadgets.
Outside of the marquee were erected a number of structures which were associated with a range of adult competitive activities. There was the greasy pole. This was a tall pole probably about six inches thick which was, I think, sunk into the ground and held up with ropes. However, it extended upwards to about fourteen, or so, feet and had been well covered with a fairly thick coating of grease. On top of the pole was pinned a five pound note. The idea was that the men would attempt to climb up and secure the note. I have no recollection of anyone having done so. Each contestant paid a small fee in order to enter and attempt the climb. Overalls were provided for those attempting the climb as it was a very messy business. It should be remembered that five pounds was a large amount of money in those days. To put it into some sort of context, when at the age of twenty two, I joined the Prison Service, my weekly pay was ten pounds. This, of course, was much later than my childhood days and the village fetes, so it will therefore, be appreciated that to obtain a fiver in those days would have been a significant prize. As with all of the events, the fees for entry, together with sales revenue, were used to support various village groups and projects.
Back to the structures, the other popular event was sack fighting. These fights were conducted upon a bar which had been suspended between two large cross structures high enough above the ground to ensure the combatants could not touch the ground with their feet. In fact, a space of about three or four feet beneath the feet would be the norm. Two men would then get on to the horizontal pole and sit facing one another and each would be armed with a hessian sack filled with straw. They would then batter each other until one of them lost their balance and fell off the pole. Yet another pole structure involved two high side poles, erected vertically, with a bar across the two. The side poles had nails in each side at the same height and these supported the cross bar and permitted it to be moved up the side poles in steps of, I think, a foot at a time. The object of this event was to toss a stook of straw and, at a later date, a bale of straw, over the bar by using a pitch fork. The "tosser" would continue to throw his straw over the bar until he knocked the bar off. The height would then be measured and, at the end of the day, the person achieving the highest toss would receive a prize. This was quite a strenuous activity and attracted the more macho young men, keen to show off their strength.
The other standard event was bowling for the pig. A set of large wooden skittles, nine of them, would be erected and the throwing distance set. The throwing distance was shorter for the ladies. The thrower or bowler would be provided with three large wooden disks known as cheeses. These were the shape of a smarty but, of course, much bigger and heavier. I reckon they must have been about eight inches across and at their thickest, about three or four inches. They were made of a heavy, dense wood. They were thrown with a sort of sideways action or flipped in order to achieve a rolling spin. Again at the end of the day the person achieving the highest number of knocked down skittles won the pig. The pig was a real one, donated by a local farmer and was on display in a makeshift pen for all to see. If the winner did not want the pig a deal was usually done with the provider and the pig bought back.
As though all of the above were not enough the fetes had sports as well. These took the form of various races. Two legged, egg and spoon and wheel barrow races being the norm and spread across the age groups and sexes. There would also be a tug of war competition and teams of both men and women would compete. The evening would be taken up with music and dancing in the marquee and the Cricketers provided the refreshment.
The fetes over the years were very well supported and provided the village with an opportunity to get together and, no doubt, a welcome rest from the labours of the week. In those days most of the men folk of the village worked upon the many farms and, of course, the hours were much longer and the work much harder than it is today. Not least because most of the work on a farm had to be done by hand. Large heavy sacks filled with all manner of crops had to be lifted from A to B as there was not the complex machinery that the modern farm enjoys.
The Church, the school and the pub were the institutions that regularly joined together in order to put on village events, and these included the village fete. Whilst talking of marquees, there was an occasional marquee which would appear upon the village green below the church and opposite the school. This would turn up, I suppose, every few years and was erected by The Missionary Society. Into this people of the village were invited to go and join in song and prayer and to contribute monies by buying books and various items depicting the work of the Society. Early forms of film would be shown and photos of people from Africa in mud huts and various states of poverty. From the perspective of the village boys these occasional events were met with much enthusiasm. Now I am not going to try and convince the reader that this was as a result of a surge of religious belief or indeed a new found pity for our fellow man. Sadly it was none of this, the reason, I am afraid, was very much more basic. The fact is the Society was fairly liberal with the distribution of biscuits and orange squash and we took full advantage of their largess!
It seems to me that the fete in the Cricketers grounds went on for quite a few years, exactly how many I have no idea now, but eventually the event was relocated into the vicarage grounds just below and opposite the Cricketers. As far as I can recall the various attractions went on in much the same way but the large marquee was replaced with smaller tents. I think the evening dancing was discontinued at the new venue. Why the relocation took place I don’t recall.

Black Labrador, White Transit, Blacknest

9.30am today, area of Blacknest Alton, male in small white Transit van stole a black Labrador. Any sightings, please call Hants Crimestoppers 0800 555111 or click http://bit.ly/139PGt9 to give info ANONYMOUSLY online about crime.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Kingsley Parish Council, Thursday 25th

Kingsley Parish Council will meet on Thursday, 25th July 2013 in the Kingsley Centre at 7.30pm.


1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
2. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Rigden
3. Declarations of Personal/Prejudicial Interest
4. Public Question Time
Public Questions
Consideration of agenda items which will be open to public participation

5. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th June 2013
6. Matters Arising
7. Planning

Applications ongoing:
30633/021 Grooms Farm, Frith End Road, Frith End, Bordon, GU235 0QR
Change of use of building for events associated with existing hotel, agricultural uses and hot air balloon storage with associated works, parking and use of access ….

22732/015 Sandyfield Farm, Main Road, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9NG

21066/026 Bakers Farm Nursery, Main Road, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9NJ
Removal of occupancy condition imposed under S52 agreement to 21066/001

53152/002 Land to the West of Dean Farm, Main Road, Kingsley, Bordon
Installation of 250kw (installed capacity) photovoltaic solar energy generating facility, comprising solar arrays and ancillary equipment (including inverters, substation and mounting frames)

22495/008 Burninghams, South Hay Lane, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9NW
Two storey extension to the rear

54616/002 Land West of, Farnham Road, Bordon
Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian (to include riding lessons, keeping and breeding of horses) retention of sand school, mess room and hay barn

30633/023 Grooms Farm, Frith End Road, Frith End, Bordon, GU35 0QR
Retention of agricultural track

20136/044 Land south and east of Service Station, Farnham Road, Bordon, GU35 0QP
Change of use of vacant land to hand car was facility

21066/028 Bakers Farm Nursery, Main Road, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9NJ
Change of use of existing nursery buildings and display areas to the use for the sales, display and storage of equine, animal feed and related products

54941 Land South of Main Road, Kingsley, Bordon
Change of use of land for stationing of a mobile home for residential purposes for a single gypsy pitch with creation of new access off main road, track and associated hard standing, treatment plant and amenity block (FUL)

New application:
27396/043 Old Park Farm, Main Road, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9LU
To be a hay storage barn. To sustain the current hay business and replace a rented barn which is now not available. Portal framed barn

53984/002 Unit 8 Kingsley Business Park, Main Road, Kingsley, GU35 9LY
Removal of condition one of 53984 to allow permanent change of use to car repairs (B2 USE)

8. St Nicholas Cemetery & Cemetery Chapel
To receive an update from Cllr Pearson

9. Transport, Highways and Road Safety
To receive an update from Cllr Lazenby

10. Commons, Village Greens and Rights of Way
Upper Green & Rights of Way:
To receive an update from Cllr Lazenby

Lower Green:
To receive an update from Cllr McCorkindale

11. Community Resilience
12. Environment and Biodiversity
13. Sports, Recreation and Leisure
14. Kingsley Village Forum   
15. Parish Plan    
16.  Housing, Business & Commerce
17. Communications
To receive an update from Cllr T. Scrivener

18. District Councillor
19. Procedures, Finance and Payments
Payments to be made & Accounts to accept

Date of Next Meeting - Thursday 26th September 2013 - 7.30 pm at the Kingsley Centre 

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Silver horsebox, maroon zigzags

Hampshire Roads Policing Unit based at Fratton are currently investigating a fatal road traffic collision which occurred on Thursday 4th July 2013 at appox 1710 hours on the main road leading from Oakhanger Village to the B3004 at Kingsley.

At this time several vehicles were travelling North towards the B3004, including the horse transporter described below;

Large silver horse transporter, painted horses on the rear, maroon zig zags on the side.
Police are very keen to speak with the driver / occupants of this vehicle purely from a potential witness point of view only"

If you recognise this vehicle please contact the Police at the earliest opportunity on 101.
Many thanks.

PC 631 Elaine Skittlethorpe
Northern area Country Watch

Friday, 12 July 2013

Can you help David Croucher

Today I received this email from David Croucher

Good morning,
  I Hope you get this on time, I made a trip to Manila(Philippines) and had my bag stolen from me with my passport and personal effects therein. The embassy has just issued me a temporary passport but I have to pay for a ticket and settle my hotel bills with the Manager.

I have made contact with my bank but it would take me 3-5 working days to access funds in my account, the bad news is my flight will be leaving very soon but i am having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let me leave until i settle the bills, I need your help/LOAN financially and I promise to make the refund once i get back home, you are my last resort and hope, Please let me know if i can count on you and i need you to keep checking your email because it's the only way i can reach you.

David Croucher

Well obviously I know David, I wouldn't say I was his best mate but it is at least plausible that he might be stuck and seeking my help so I replied "What do you need exactly? Can I call someone and pay with a credit card? If so who? where?"

I then wandered down to Kingsley Centre and asked if anyone knew whether the Crouchers were away - oh dear, no I wasn't the first to receive such an email.  When I got back a further email was waiting

I am are so glad to hear from you. it has been a Terrible ordeal!
We need to settle some outstanding hotel bills, book flight and also take a cab to the airport. I have contacted my bank, but the best they can do is to mail a new card which will take 2 to 3 days to get here, but now i feel so relive at the sight of your email, you need to check for a nearby store that operates on Western union to send the money and use my details below to complete the transfer.

Name: David Croucher
Present Location Address: Makati city Metro, Manila.Country: Manila Philippine

1700  is what we need but any amount you are able to send will help. I will refund back the once i arrive back to home tomorrow or Next. let me know as soon as it has been wired.
I will need the MTCN # with my passport to pick up the cash at WU.


Thursday, 4 July 2013

Crimestoppers July

Shoppers warned to be vigilant after distraction thefts at supermarket car parks

People across the county are being urged to be vigilant when out shopping after several distraction thefts have been reported to police.

People are being approached in supermarket car parks by groups or individuals using a variety of distraction techniques. They can pretty much take any form, but the favourites at the moments are people asking for directions – usually using a map, feigning injury or illness, or people asking for change for car parking.

Whilst you’re busy doing your best to help these people, your wallet or handbag can mysteriously go missing. The debit and credit cards taken are often used to withdraw cash very soon afterwards – sometimes even at the cashpoint machines in the supermarket car park!

Hopefully few of us now keep our PIN numbers written down in our wallets (be honest!). However people who have fallen victim to this crime have reported seeing people behaving suspiciously in supermarkets as they have been using self-service tills. It seems the criminals are hanging around to see you input your PIN and then only need to get hold of your card to be on a spending spree with your cash.

If you notice people acting suspiciously inside supermarkets or you are approached by someone in a car park, please report it to the security team in the store and to the police as soon as possible.

When you are out shopping, never leave your bag on the trolley unattended and always ensure your bag is zipped up. When putting your shopping away in the boot of your vehicle always ensure your handbag/wallet is with you.

If you are distracted for even a moment whilst putting your shopping away, keep your handbag with you or lock it in the vehicle before speaking to or helping anyone. Likewise, if you are asked for directions or to look at maps, make sure you have safely stashed your personal items out of harm’s way first.

We can all do our bit to make Hampshire an even better place to be so if you have information about ANY crime, please do not hesitate to give Crimestoppers a call. 0800 555 111 or log on to www.crimestoppers-uk.org to give information online anonymously. The online reporting form has been updated and is easier to use than ever before. For those of you Twittered up, please follow me on @HantsCrimestopp for regular updates.

PC Simon Wright

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Legion 1000 results

The results of the Royal British Legion 1000 event are now in:

• 210 Riders and 20 Pillions registered for the ride
• 160 Bikes actually started the ride
• 5 bikes did not finish (1 minor injury, 4 mechanical breakdowns)
• 146 bikes completed the ride within 24 hrs and gained IBA accreditation
• 9 bikes completed the ride in over 24 hrs
• Those who completed travelled an average of 1045 miles

• Furthest home to Squires – 331 miles
• Oldest Bike – 1979 BMW R100RT
• Oldest Rider – 68 years young
• Youngest Rider – 23 years
• Smallest CC – 125cc
• Youngest Participant (pillion) – 11 years