Monday 25 January 2016

Kingsley Parish Council Thursday 28th

Kingsley Parish Council meets on Thursday, 28th January 2016 in the Kingsley Centre at 7.30.


1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Resignation of Councillor Pearson

2. Apologies for Absence
3. Declarations of Personal/Prejudicial Interest
4. Public Question Time
Public Questions
Consideration of agenda items which will be open to public participation
To consider funding requests for an extra classroom at Binsted School

5. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting held on 26th November 2015
6. Matters Arising

7. Planning Applications
Applications ongoing:

Enforcement APP/M1710/W/15/3141363 Land at Forge Road, Sleaford, Bordon, Hampshire, GU35 9LL

20050/023/5231 Unit 4, Park Iron Works, Kingsley
Change of use from B1 and B8 to B2 and B8 use (general industry) and the erection of extraction flues for a paint spray both within the unit

TAG Farnborough Airport Air Space Change Proposal

SDNP/15/05484/HOUS 1 Orchard Cottages Oakhanger Road Bordon Hampshire GU35 9JP
Two storey side extension following demolition of existing single storey side extension, and conversion of part of shed into garage with pitched roof over

24601/045 Country Market Osborne Farms, Main Road, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9LW
Replacement of poly-tunnel covered area and display with traditional barn shaped structure

22495/011 Burninghams, South Hay Lane, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9NW
Part two storey part single storey extension to rear following demolition of single storey rear extension, installation of sliding doors to games rooms

SDNP/15/05743/LDE Pear Tree Barn, The Straits, Kingsley, GU35 9NT
Certificate of lawful development for existing use – The use of the building as B1C – vehicle servicing, classic car restoration. Storage, sales and distribution of vehicle parts, and manufacture of vehicle parts.

New application:
52258/003 The Old Piggery, Main Road, Kingsley Alterations to external fenestration of two dwellings approved under 52258/002

8. St Nicholas Cemetery & Cemetery Chapel
9. Transport, Highways and Road Safety
Review the situation regarding the Main Road/Forge Road name change proposal

10. Commons, Village Greens and Rights of Way
To consider granting a wayleave for SSE to lay an underground cable across the eastern corner of Upper Green
To discuss the inspection of play equipment on Upper Green and the invitation from Selborne PC to attend a training event at a cost of £199
To consider a resolution to grant permission for vehicle and horse/donkey access along the Parish Council owned length of Footpath 6 from the corner of Rose Villa to the new gate into the land known as the paddock to the east of the footpath. This permission is for traffic in support of activities on the land associated with the new horse / donkey stables which have just been granted planning permission. The permission will be subject to the same conditions as given with the permission for access to the new builds a Greenbanks and Rose Folly

11. Community Resilience
12. Environment and Biodiversity
13. Kingsley Village Forum
The next village forum will be held on Wednesday 3rd February 2016 at the Kingsley Centre 6pm

14. Housing, Business & Commerce
To review progress on the development of affordable housing

15. Review of Capital Projects
16. Communications
The correspondence received this month was listed by the clerk and circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.

17. District Councillor
18. Procedures, Finance and Payments
Changes to banking mandate and arrangements
External Auditor
Payments to be made & Accounts to accept
Payment DatePayeePayment ModeDescriptionAmount
09/12/2015Kinglsey OrganisationBACSAnnual donation500.00
18/12/2015Kingsley OrganisationBACSInvoice no 12666 Room hire at Kingsley Centre for HARAH presentation96.25
18/12/2015EurofficeBACSInvoice no 2798070 stationery67.28
18/12/2015Karine Nana YonkoBACSInv 0009/2015-16 clerk's December 2015 expenses74.30
18/12/2015Karine Nana YonkoBACSClerk's December 2015 salary385.00
11/01/2016Southern ElectricDDChurch electricity bill period 26/09/15 to 22/12/1519.68
27/01/2016Karine Nana YonkoBACSInv 0010/2015-16 clerk's January 2016 expenses64.30
28/01/2016Karine Nana YonkoBACSClerk's January 2016 salary317.80
Date of Next Meeting of Kingsley Parish Council -
Thursday 28th February 2016 – 7.30 pm at the Kingsley Centre

Saturday 23 January 2016

The Tandridge Mink Hounds

Having bought and moved into our first house, which was located on top of the North Surrey downs about Oxted I began to think of new challenges. Right on the Kent and Surrey border our first purchase was a flint and brick cottage, grade two listed and located right on top of Titsey Hill. What is it they say about location, location, location? Trust me that is so true. Our house was in a lovely rural position with some stunning views. It backed on to a large woods which still belonged to the Titsey Estate which had once owned our cottage. We had free access to the woods and lovely walks over and around the downs upon which our cottage was located. All this was positive, in addition, we were far away from our work in London but close enough to get in and out without much of a problem.

What we had not considered was the fact that we were living on the top of a very long steep hill with both a small pull-in and telephone kiosk outside of our side entrance. Never again ! Cars coming up the hill were in the habit of boiling up, breaking fan belts, running out of petrol and all manner of other vehicular disasters. Upon reaching the summit of the hill they seemed to regard my property as the local garage. We were knocked up at all hours of the day and night with requests for just about anything regarding car repairs on for giving the callers onward journeys to wherever. Upon being told that I was not a branch of the A.A or R.A.C. or, indeed a local garage, the callers would, for the most part, get quite stroppy. So, do not buy a house on top of a large hill with a road beside it.

One of the reasons I had been keen to buy this particular property was the fact that is was fairly isolated and would allow me to keep poultry and my pack of Jack Russell Terriers. At the time I was involved showing and working the terriers. These were hunt terrier shows not your Kennel Club type. Not having a lot of neighbours, together with the woodland around us was, I thought, ideal for my way of life.

It was around this time that mink hunting was becoming very popular and The Masters of Mink Hounds and Coypu Association had been formed. Later to remove the, and Coypu, part of their title when the Coypu had been eradicated. By, I hasten to add, Government request. Having been out with a pack of mink hunting several times in the West Country, I had taken quite a shine to it. I had a group of friends whom had a similar interest and bit by bit I formed the idea that I would like to put a pack of my own together. There are two main obstacles to so doing. The first being the registration of a suitable country over which to hunt, and the second, that of obtaining hounds. One has to join the relevant association in order to demonstrate that your pack will comply with responsible regulation and hunt within the rules etc. Registering country can only be done it you can find an unregistered area or if a friendly registered pack will loan or donate you an area. In our case there was a very large area of Kent and north Surrey which had not been registered so I registered that without too much bother. With regard to obtaining hounds, once again registration and membership of an approved hunting association is required, as it is forbidden for a hunt to dispose of hounds other than to another registered hunt. This is to ensure, as far as it is possible, that hound breeding lines are preserved and not corrupted.

This is where my previously mentioned, (last month’s edition of these notes ), friendship with Douglas Lesley came into play. I contacted Douglas, told him of my plans and asked if he had any idea where I might get hold of a few pure bred Otter Hounds to form the basis of the hunt. I had this mad idea that it would be much nicer to hunt Otter hounds than old foxhounds. After all Otter Hounds had been made for hunting water and had both the coats and feet to cope with all that the rivers could throw at them. It didn’t take long for Douglas to reply and, not only was he very enthusiastic about my idea, but he also knew the man he felt could help. He had, he told me, been in the army as a young man with Captain John Bell – Irving.

John was the master and owner of the Dumfriesshire otter hounds. Well to cut a long story short John agreed to talk with me and we exchanged a number of letters regarding my plans. Being satisfied with what he learned he agreed to draft, (give), me five pure bred Otter Hounds which would form the nucleus of my pack. He proposed giving me two old and trusted bitches, a slightly younger bitch of breeding age, a young dog of breeding age and another dog puppy. This would give us hounds to hunt with and also the ability to breed new stock for future seasons. What an absolute gent, he did us proud. All we had to do was to get to Dumfriesshire, actually to Lockerbie, which was where John lived and collect our hounds. This was, in itself, quite an undertaking and another story on its own. But the Tandridge Minkhounds were about to come into being. More next month.

Friday 22 January 2016

Telephone disruption at East Hampshire District Council - Sat 23 Jan

On Saturday 23 January 2016, calls to East Hampshire District Council on 01730 266551 may not work due to a telephone upgrade.

For emergencies relating to flooding, homelessness, emergency street cleaning, private drainage blockages and dangerous structures please dial 07850 358156.

To report a lost or found dog between the hours of 9am and 5pm please dial 01489 892760.

To make a council tax payment by debit card please dial 01730 234413.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
East Hampshire District Council

Monday 18 January 2016

Hindhead tunnel closed, again

 Please be aware of the following planned work which affects both north and southbound traffic using the Tunnel next week:

Monday 18 January, Wednesday 20 January and Thursday 21 January

Southbound Tunnel.
10pm to 6am
Routine maintenance is being carried out in the southbound tunnel. Southbound traffic will be diverted through the northbound tunnel in contraflow under a 40mph speed limit. Please allow an extra 5 minutes for your journey.

Tuesday 19 January

Full Tunnel Closure
10pm to 6am
The tunnel will be fully closed to allow a routine structural inspection of the Miss James Bridge. At these times, signed diversion routes will be in place via the A325 and A31 for both north and southbound traffic. Please allow an extra 45 minutes for your journey.
Safe driving
Please stay in lane and observe the signed speed limit when using the Tunnel. If you see the Red X sign, please move safely to the other lane, as this means there is an obstruction ahead.
Further information
Please contact us on:
0300 123 5000

Wednesday 13 January 2016

20mph Alton

Highways – Permanent Traffic Order Notices from Hampshire County Council in East Hampshire area.
EFFECT OF ORDER: To impose a 20 miles per hour speed limit (existing 30mph by virtue of a prescribed system of street lighting) on the following roads and lengths of road at Alton:
(i) Anstey Road between its junction with Normandy Street and a point 61 metres north-east of its junction with Park Close Road, an approximate distance of 270 metres
(ii) Littlefield Road between its junction with Anstey Road and a point 6 metres north-west thereof
(iii) Normandy Street between its junction with Orchard Lane and its junction with Anstey Road, an approximate distance of 219 metres.
(iv) Nursery Road between its junction with Anstey Road and a point 12 metres north-west thereof.
(v) Orchard Lane between its junction with Normandy Street and a point 25 metres south-east thereof.
(vi) Paper Mill Lane between its junction with Normandy Street and a point 17 metres south-east of its junction with The Lamports, an approximate distance of 270 metres
(vii) Park Close Road between its junction with Anstey Road and a point 8 metres north-west thereof.
(viii) The Lamports for its entire length, an approximate distance of 171 metres.
(ix) York Mews for its entire length, an approximate distance of 76 metres.

FURTHER DETAILS: A copy of this notice, the proposed order, a map showing the location and effect of the proposal, together with a statement of reasons for making the order may be viewed at or inspected during the usual office hours at the following places:
(i) Alton Library, Vicarage Hill, Alton (Opening hours : Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays 9.30 – 5; Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.30 – 7)
(ii) Council Offices, Penns Place, Petersfield (Opening hours ; Mondays to Fridays 9 – 5)
(iii) Hampshire County Council Headquarters, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UJ (Opening hours : Mondays to Thursdays 8.30 – 5.15; Fridays 8.30 – 4.45)
OBJECTIONS: All objections and other representations in respect of this proposal must be sent in writing to the undersigned quoting reference:- C766/MB by 12 February 2016. All objections must state the grounds on which they are made. Persons wishing to make objections or other representations are advised that in the order-making process, objections or other representations may become publicly available and therefore the names and addresses of those persons making objections or other representations may also be made publicly available.

TITLE: The order, if made, will be known as "The Hampshire (Various Roads, Alton) (20 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit) Order 2016."

STUART JARVIS, Director of Economy, Transport and Environment, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UD, email: 0300 555 1388