Kingsley Parish Council meets on Thursday, 24th September 2015 in the Kingsley Centre at 7.30.
1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Declarations of Personal/Prejudicial Interest
4. Public Question Time:Public Questions
Consideration of agenda items which will be open to public participation
Visit of Police Office Claire Winter
Brief on Neighbourhood Watch scheme for Kingsley from Mr Larry Johnson
5. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting held on 23rd July 2015
6. Matters Arising
7. Planning Applications
Applications ongoing: Appeal W/15/30005532: 6 dwellings after demolition of buildings Land east of Karma Main Road Kingsley Ongoing enforcement EC/51617/003 erection of building and change of use to mixed agricultural and aircraft hangar. Land east of Sickles Lane Sleaford unauthorised caravans
New chimney/flue/vent in the Kingsley Business Park
27107/032 & 27107/033 Sleaford Farm, Farnham Road, Bordon, GU35 9LJ Single storey rear extension, new porch and roof lantern over living room extension Part single, part two storey extension, new porch and roof lantern over living room extension 37484/004 Westerkirk, Main Road, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9ND Re-position of conservation roof lights on south west elevation of barn roof and alteration of staircase design (amendment to previously approved 37484/003)
8. St Nicholas Cemetery & Cemetery Chapel
To receive an update from Cllr Pearson
9. Transport, Highways and Road Safety
To consider next steps/actions to address the Forge Road/Main Road naming issue.
10. Commons, Village Greens and Rights of Way
To receive an update from Cllr Rigden
To consider use of Footpath 6 by construction vehicles and connection services for building works at Greenbanks
11. Community Resilience
12. Environment and Biodiversity
13. Kingsley Village Forum
To receive an update from Cllr Pearson
14. Housing, Business & Commerce
To receive an update from Cllr McCorkindale
15. Communications
The correspondence received this month was listed by the clerk and circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.
16. District Councillor
17. Procedures, Finance and Payments
Payments to be made & Accounts to accept
To consider the approval of the following changes to Standing Orders and Risk Assessment
1) Standing Orders (revised April 2013)
Propose: New section ‘4 Lead Councillors’ as per the attached document
Propose: New section ’26 - Transparency’ as per attached document
2) Appendix B - Financial Regulations (May 2013)
Propose update section ‘5 - Banking arrangements’ as per attached document
3) New Appendix F
Propose new ‘Appendix F - Lead Councillors as per attached document to replace the stand alone Parish Council document called ‘Lead Councillors’ dated April 2014
4) KPC Risk Assessment (May 2013)
Propose all due dates in KPC Risk Assessment May are updated to June 2016
To consider the issues arising report for KPC audit for the year ended 31st March 2015
To receive an update on the pension scheme from Cllr Rigden
To consider the review of the clerk contract of employment
Date of Next Meeting of Kingsley Parish Council -
Thursday 22nd October 2015 – 7.30 pm at the Kingsley Centre
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