Thursday, 14 April 2011

Planning for traveller sites: Consultation

The government has just launched a consultation, open until 6th July, which will lead to a replacement Planning Policy Statement covering Planning for Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Sites and  Planning for Travelling ShowpeopleEssentially this document will help determine where provision will be made, locally, for Gypsy and Traveller sites.

The specific questions needing feedback are:-

1. Do you agree that the current definitions of “gypsies and travellers” and ”travelling showpeople” should be retained in the new policy?
2. Do you support the proposal to remove specific reference to Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessments in the new policy and instead refer to a “robust evidence base”?
3. Do you agree that where need has been identified, local planning authorities should set targets for the provision of sites in their local planning policies?
4. Do you think that local planning authorities should plan for “local need in the context of historical demand”?
5. Do you agree with the proposal to require local planning authorities to plan for a five-year supply of traveller pitches/plots?
6. Do you agree that the proposed wording of Policy E (in the draft policy) should be included to ensure consistency with Planning Policy Guidance 2: Green Belts?
7. Do you agree with the general principle of aligning planning policy on traveller sites more closely with that on other forms of housing?
8. Do you agree with the new emphasis on local planning authorities consulting with settled communities as well as traveller communities when formulating their plans and determining individual planning applications to help improve relations between the communities?

and several other questions about transitional arrangements and clarification.

You can download the entire consultation document (PDF) here and you should respond either by email to or in writing to
Paul Williams
Planning: Economy and Society Division
Department for Communities and Local Government
Zone 1/G6, Eland House, Bressenden Place

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