Friday, 16 March 2012

Cradle Lane consensus

Last night's meeting arranged by Hampshire's Countryside Access department went surprisingly well given the polarity of views at the start. 

Around 30 people attended with District Councillor David Ashcroft taking the chair and HCC's Emma Noyce explaining the technicalities and dealing with various points raised. We also heard from Steven Taylor of Trail Riders Fellowship and Tria Gibbs, Police Community Support Officer, the local Countrywatch officer.

Apart from one lady horserider announcing that she'd decided not to ride her horse on Cradle Lane any more, the riders and residents were generally much more comfortable with the situation at the end of the meeting than at the start.

Everyone now has a clear understanding of the legal and practical considerations, that from June vehicles with three or more wheels will be permanently banned from Cradle Lane, that illegal motorcycle use should be reported to the police and what needs to happen by way of monitoring, evidence gathering and reporting.

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