Sunday 29 May 2011

Kingsley Benefit Fund AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Kingsley Benefit Fund was held today in The Cricketers Inn. The Chairman's report presented at the meeting is reproduced below.  The existing committee was re-elected, the formal constitution was adopted and it was further agreed that we will conduct a bulb planting exercise later this year and contact Tony Pears about distribution of almoner's funds.


I took over as Chairman of a sadly reduced Kingsley Benefit Fund at the last AGM held 11th November 2009 in the Kingsley Centre.  At that meeting most of the existing committee members were retiring and, as no new members were forthcoming, the main proposal was to dissolve the KBF.

It was agreed however that the small number of members willing to continue should do so but that we would no longer be involved in the running of the Kingsley Fete.  We would however continue to run the Easter Egg hunt and handle other events on an ad-hoc basis.

Easter 2010 saw the most successful Egg Hunt yet. It was well promoted around the village and in the local schools, well attended and even made a profit as the Treasurer’s report will show!

Marcus proposed holding a Kingsley Concert day at The Cricketers in August in collaboration with the KBF.  This was agreed in principle but subsequently support for the idea faded away due to a series of family, work and sickness conflicts.

In October I was approached by Mary Herbert seeking funds towards the provision of allotments and/or upkeep of St Nicholas.  I explained that neither of those fell within the aims of the KBF but realised that the KBF needed a formal document to express those aims more clearly.  That document will hopefully be adopted at the AGM.

Easter 2011 came very late, 24th April, and without last year’s heavy promotion, it was decided that no attempt at fundraising would occur at the Easter Egg Hunt.  On the day only a few children turned up but all went away happy and stuffed with chocolate so we count that as a success.

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