Monday, 24 September 2018

Kingsley Parish Council Wed 26th 7:30pm

Meeting of Kingsley Parish Council on Wednesday, 26th September 2018 in the Kingsley Centre at 7.30pm


1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
2. Apologies for Absence
Cllr C. Rigden

3. Declarations of Personal/Prejudicial Interest
4. Public Question Time
Public Questions
Consideration of agenda items which will be open to public participation

5. Approval of Minutes of the Meetings held on 25th July 2018
6. Matters Arising
7. Planning Applications
Applications ongoing
54919/005 Land at Kingsley Golf Club, Forge Road, Kingsley, Bordon
Detached shed for use as a wormery
51188/003 Kingsley Quarry, Forge Road, Kingsley, Bordon
Easterly extension of the existing sand extraction area, extend the end date for quarry operations and restoration and amend the approved restoration schemes. (Details available on the HCC website -
27508/002 1 Straits View, Forge Road, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9NA
Single storey rear extension and alteration of front porch roof.
27107/034 Sleaford Farm, Farnham Road, Bordon, GU35 9LJ
Amendments to previously approved scheme (27107/033) and filling of derelict pond
HCC/2018/0700 Grundon Sand And Gravel Ltd, Frith End Sand Quarry, Grooms Farm Lane, Frith End, Bordon GU35 0QR
Variation of conditions 5 (Phasing), 11 (Landscaping), 24 (Restoration) and 27 (Plans) of Planning Permission 30633/031 to revise
HCC/2018/0701 Grundon Sand And Gravel Ltd, Frith End Sand Quarry, Grooms Farm Lane, Frith End, Bordon GU35 0QR
The relocation of the ancillary activity of the importation, handling and re-sale of aggregates as previously permitted by pp 30633/030
HCC/2018/0702 Grundon Sand And Gravel Ltd, Frith End Sand Quarry, Grooms Farm Lane, Frith End, Bordon GU35 0QR
Sand recovery from development projects in Bordon and surrounding area
New applications:
20136/054 LMC Sleaford Garage, Farnham Road, Bordon, GU35 0QP
Extension to existing motor vehicle service area, refurbishment of the existing showroom, construction of
new additional car showroom, extension to car parking area and creation of emergency access point.
SDNP/18/02170/FUL Oaklands Farm Green Street East Worldham Bordon GU34 3AU
Change of use of Oakland Farm and associated land holdings from Agriculture and B8 (Open Storage) to
mixed use Agriculture, B8 (Open Storage) and Seasonal Event Space associated with the holding of
Religious Festivals and other activities associated with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association; including the
provision of external storage space, new landscape and revised ventilation and extraction equipment in
association with the onsite kitchen.

31121/004 The Cricketers, Forge Road, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 9ND
Conversion and extension of existing tourist accommodation to provide 2 new dwellings, and provision of
associated parking and landscaping.

8. St Nicholas Cemetery & Cemetery Chapel
To receive an update from Cllr Fletcher

9. Transport, Highways and Road Safety
To receive an update from Cllr Clayton

10. Commons, Village Greens and Rights of Way
Footpath 6
Consideration of report concerning encroachment of hedges onto Footpath 6
Upper Green
To receive an update from Cllr Fletcher

11. Community Resilience
12. Environment and Biodiversity
13. Kingsley Village Forum
14. Housing, Business & Commerce
15. Review of Capital Projects
16. Communications
The correspondence received this month was listed & circulated to all Cllrs prior to the meeting.

17. Broadband
To receive an update from Cllr Coury & Cllr Clayton

18. District Councillor
19. Procedures, Finance and Payments
Review the format of the monthly parish meeting
To receive an update from Cllr Fletcher
To agree the automatic renewal of the licenses and fees during October and November for the online
hosting of the Parish Council website, at a cost of £242.7 per year.
To consider the use of official email accounts for Parish Councillors at an annual cost of £132 ex VAT
To consider compensation from Tsb for all the inconvenience caused due to endless online banking
Payments to be made & Accounts to accept
To consider the payment of invoices on the schedule included in the agenda of the meeting
Date Payee
Mode Description Amount
16/09/2018 Host Papa CARD Inv 210500-1559000 domain name renewal and web hosting 211.96
28/09/2018 Karine Nana Yonko BACS Clerk's September 2018 expenses invoice 0006-2018/19 85.00
28/09/2018 Karine Nana Yonko BACS Clerk's September 2018 salary 296.80
28/09/2018 HMRC BACS PAYE September 2018 39.20
Date of Next Meeting of Kingsley Parish Council –
Wednesday 24th October 2018 – 7.30 pm at the Kingsley Centre

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