Thursday 7 August 2014

Jalsa Salana 40MPH

TEMPORARY 40 MPH SPEED RESTRICTION – B3004 Worldham Hill / Green Street, East Worldham and B3004 Forge Road, Kingsley

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hampshire County Council is making an order for safety reasons in connection with the Jalsa Salana event, as follows:

ROAD TO BE RESTRICTED: that part of B3004 between a point 70 metres east of its junction with Pookles Lane and a point 643 metres south-west of its junction with the access road to Dean Farm Golf Club, an approximate distance of 2,400 metres.

DURATION OF ORDER: from 18th August 2013 for a period of 1 month. (Notwithstanding, it is expected that the speed restriction will be required for no longer than the period of the event during which time it  will be in force 24 hrs per day.) 

Details may be viewed at:  If you have any queries regarding the above please contact Hampshire County Council, Highways Department on 0845 603 5633

STUART JARVIS Director of Economy, Transport & the Environment, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UD

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about the time managing before traveling for Jalsa salana, An app is going to laounch with the name of My Jalsa Salana. I saw there time management and maps and many more information about the Jalsa Salana.
