Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Crimestoppers August

I hope you have been enjoying the long hot summer, which is supposed to continue for some while yet to come. Now I’ve said that out loud, you can guarantee we’ll be reaching for the wellies in days!

During periods of warm weather it is tempting to leave doors and windows open but please remember that insecure properties are an invitation for intruders. Most burglars are opportunists who do not plan their crimes but constantly look for an easy chance to enter a property – either your home, or your office - through a door or window that has been left open.

In a recent incident, a youth walked into the home of an elderly lady through the open front door while she was outside in her garden. The man stole the victim’s purse before calmly walking back out of the house.  As he was leaving, he was seen by the pensioner and said that he was in her home because he wanted a glass of water!

A burglar doesn’t really want to go to the effort of forcing doors and windows and rarely needs to.  When going out, securely lock all doors and windows – no matter what the temperature and no matter how long you intend to be away. 'Just popping across the road for a minute' is ample time for a criminal to strike. If you are working or relaxing in the back garden make sure that the windows and doors which you cannot see are securely closed. 

Remember - do be a nosey neighbour! Tell the Police or Crimestoppers if you see anyone acting suspiciously in your neighbourhood, and if possible, take the registration numbers of any unusual vehicles in the area.

Unfortunately the warm weather also leads to an increase in anti-social behaviour, albeit sometimes unintentional. Please remember how far your voices/music etc will carry on a long hot summer evening. Your neighbours at the other end of the street might not appreciate your choice of barbecue music! That said, please also try to be tolerant. Your neighbour’s party may be irritating (especially if you weren’t invited!) but if it is only once a year, just bear in mind that it will soon be over.

Remember, Hampshire really is a great place to live and work so please don’t have nightmares (I think someone once said!). However we can all do our bit to make our communities an even better place to be. Please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 if you have information about ANY crime. Your call is free and no one will know you called. Alternatively, you can give information anonymously on line at www.crimestoppers-uk.org where you can also see images of people the Police would like a word with. You will also find me on Twitter at @HantsCrimestopp

Force Crimestoppers Co-ordinator

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