Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Natural England - Selborne Brickworks

Browsing through the decision notice for the anaerobic digester at Selborne Brickworks I was struck by section 4 (consultations) in which a variety of bodies and individuals offer objection or no objection to the application and in which Natural England, whose role is "to provide practical advice", offers the following gem:-

It has been previously noted that Great Crested Newts have been identified on land adjacent to this site. We would therefore advise that the proposals as presented have the potential to affect species protected under European or UK legislation. Natural England has now adopted national standing advice for protected species. As standing advice, it is a material consideration in the determination of the proposed development in this application in the same way as any individual response received from Natural England following consultation and should therefore be fully considered before a formal decision on the planning application is made.

If that's "practical advice" I'm a monkey's uncle.

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