Monday, 30 January 2012

Cradle Lane - option 3

The powers that be have now decided  on a way forward for Cradle Lane.  Option 3 below has been adopted by the relevant officers but will be formally ratified by the Executive Member in March.

3.  Impose a permanent restriction against motor vehicles with three or more wheels to protect the surface of the lane from further damage, but impose no formal restriction on two wheel motorcycles.  Set up a local team to monitor the impact of motorcycle usage of the route, and work with motorcycle user groups to promote responsible behaviour.

Officers are of the view that this option complies with the Council’s TRO policy in that it represents the least-restrictive solution that will effectively resolve the issue of significant damage being caused to the surface of this route.  This TRO will be combined with a robust system of monitoring the condition of the surface of this lane in consultation with the parish councils and the relevant user groups to accurately assess the impact of the various user groups. At the meeting it was agreed that Option 3 (above) would be an acceptable solution to all those present. 

In light of the above, it is now proposed to seek a permanent TRO against motor vehicles with three or more wheels to prevent further damage to the newly-repaired surface.  A robust system of monitoring the condition of the lane will be put in place to accurately assess the impact of the other user groups on this lane to inform future reviews of the TRO.

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