Monday 15 June 2015

Bridleway 1 closed

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hampshire County Council, having made an Order under Section 14(1)b of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to prevent danger to the public due to a damaged bridge, has been directed by the Secretary of State for Transport that the order shall continue in force as follows:

ROAD TO BE CLOSED: Kingsley Bridleway 1


PERIOD OF CLOSURE: From 13 June 2015 for a period of six months or until completion of the bridge replacement works, whichever is sooner.

Reasonable facilities will be provided to allow access to adjacent premises while the work is being carried out.

For information visit or contact the Access Team on 01962 846981 or email

SARAH MANCHESTER, Countryside Access Team Leader, Castle Avenue, Winchester, SO23 8UL

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