Thursday, 13 March 2014

Brian Lazenby in Ukraine

On Thu 13/03/14 8:14 AM , BRIAN LAZENBY <> wrote:
Hello, How are you doing? I hope this message finds you please get back to me ASAP (It's a matter of Urgency).

Go on then, what's up?

On Thu 13/03/14 9:24 AM , BRIAN LAZENBY <> wrote:
Thanks for your affirmative response and Sorry for any inconvenience, I'm in a terrible situation. I came down here to Poltava Ukraine on family vacation.I got mugged on our way back to the hotel i lodge in after i went for sight seeing and had my bag stolen from me with my passport and personal effects therein.. the bad news is my flight will be leaving very soon but i am having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let me leave until i settle the bills.I will be indeed very grateful if i can get a loan of (£2,850) or any amount you can afford to settle out my hotel bills, I will reimburse you soon as I get back Home. I will appreciate whatever you can assist me with. Let me know if you can be of help.

All hopes on you.

 I'll see what I can do.

 Please let me have the phone number of the hotel and your bank details. I can then arrange an interbank transfer via your bank into the hotel's bank. I'm only here for a short while today so please hurry with the bank details.

On Thu 13/03/14 11:50 AM , BRIAN LAZENBY <> wrote:
Thanks for your mail and willingness to help me out of my predicament. As stated to you in my previous mail, The muggers made away with all valuable things including my cellphone. Thank God we're alive and still got our passport with us, it would have been worst if they made away with it I promise to facilitate reimbursement of your funds back to you as soon as I return from this horrible trip. I had to walk down to a local library where am accessing my email it took me 1hr-45mins to get here from the local library. I was hurt on my toes while trying to escape. I think western union is the fastest and easiest way to get money across to me.below is the information you need to wire the money to my name and current location via western union money transfer.

 Receiver : Brian Lazeny
 Location:- Kreshchatik St 14Kyiv, Kyivska 01025

 As soon as you are done with the transfer, kindly get back to me with the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)and transfer receipt for confirmation.

 Thanks and Godbless


 Hey Brian

It's ok, I found your bank details on that cheque you gave me last month (I hadn't got round to banking it yet)

I've just transferred the sum of £3,027 into your account (there were some transfer fees but don't worry about it). If you send me the bank details of the hotel I can get their bill paid direct for you. You branch manager has been very helpful over this and assures me that executing the transfer will be quick and safe. I did think about using Western Union but according to the bank that will take too long. Also apparently criminals often gain unauthorised access to funds sent via WU.

Say hello to Vicky for me and let me have the details asap.
On Thu 13/03/14 12:38 PM , BRIAN LAZENBY <> wrote:
Thanks for your affirmative response.. I dont have access to my account and will be too risky to access my account in a local/public computer. the hotel has made it clear to me that international transfer take 5-6days to reflect and it's against the policy of the hotel. there, i think WU seems to be the easiest and fastest way to get money across to me. Thank God i have my passport with me. This will be used as the only means of identification also acknowlege me as the only authorized receipient of the funds before the western union agent here in ukraine. I found a WU outlet near to the local library.

Therefore, I beg you to kindly process the transfer of funds Via western union and below is the information you need to wire the money to my name and current location via western union money transfer.

Receiver : Brian Lazeny
Location:- Kreshchatik St 14Kyiv, Kyivska 01025

As soon as you are done with the transfer, kindly get back to me with the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)and transfer receipt for confirmation.

Thanks and Godbless

All hope on you

No it's fine Brian, no need for you to do anything with your account, the bank will handle it all from here and irrevocable funds (guaranteed by HSBC!) will be transferred within minutes. The manager here is waiting to execute the transfer and just needs the receiving bank's details.

If you're still having trouble with the hotel, give me their phone number and I'll sort it out direct. Have Vicky work her usual magic.
On Thu 13/03/14 12:53 PM , BRIAN LAZENBY <> wrote:
The hotel were insisting that they cant give me the benefit of doubt that the money will reflect in their account.. let me know if you are getting the money across to me using western union. you're all am hoping on to get me out of the terrible situation.

hope you to hear from you soonest.

Ok, I spoke with Paul Johnson at the bank and he said that we can do the transfer by Western Union but not until next Wednesday (there's some problem between HSBC and WU apparently).

I don't really understand what the hotel are fretting about, there is no "benefit of the doubt". They supply their bank account details, we transfer the money, job done - cleared irrevocable funds within a matter of minutes. Brian, if I didn't know better I'd say that someone's trying to pull a fast one over this matter - I don't know who or why but, if I were you, I'd get myself out to the airport and just let them get on with it.

Can Vicky not help?

If I don't hear from you in the next 45 minutes I'll tell the bank to go ahead with the Western Union transfer next Wednesday.
 On Thu 13/03/14 1:27 PM , BRIAN LAZENBY <> wrote:
All you need to do is to get the cash and head to western union outlet to have the fund transfer to information given to you in previous mail. Am confused here, the hotel wont give out their account details due to their past experience.. Let me know if am getting this help. Am freaked out here.

Paul Johnson will speak to the hotel directly. Please give me their phone number , are you staying at the Ukraina?

In order to withdraw the cash I need your PIN code as the funds are in your account at the moment. If the hotel won't give you their phone number, let me have your PIN and I'll find an ATM.

 On Thu 13/03/14 1:49 PM , BRIAN LAZENBY <> wrote:

Are you kidding me ? i'm not staying ukraine came for vacation. it took me 1hr-45mins to walk down to where i am now. I may not have access to reply back your message. all hope on you.

Bored now, have a nice life.

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