Wednesday, 3 October 2012

FP20 famous victory

Hampshire County Council's countryside access team are to be congratulated on having finally achieved the removal of the wire fencing alongside footpath 20!

Walking along Sickles Lane today I noticed that the wire has been removed at least as far as can be seen from the road and a pair of deer ran unencumbered through the hedge and across the field as I watched.

I don't know whether Hampshire's team achieved this by negotiation or by force as they have made no public announcements that I'm aware of but it must have been down to them as I have been too busy this summer and I can't believe that Rory saw sense all by himself.

Well done countryside access team, give yourselves a pat on the back!

1 comment:

  1. I took the wire fencing down voluntarily and without the intervention of Hampshire County Council's countryside access team. I am also spending an absolute fortune on putting right the mess left by the previous contractor in order to restore the land to its former condition. This work includes the removal of tonnes of poor quality soil and waste material that was dumped on my land, without my knowledge or under misleading guises, by the previous contractor. So, how am I repaid by this wonderful community for my time and effort, this voluntary act of goodwill and financial commitment? By having my agricultural building vandalised! I have already had 2 previous acts of vandalism perpetrated on my land, acts that have been applauded and openly defended by this great law abiding, self righteous community. So, the fences will be going up again and the open access I was prepared to allow will now be, yet again, reduced back to what is permitted strictly by the letter of the law. KEEP TO THE FOOTPATH!
