Sunday 12 June 2011

Cradle Lane update

Following on from our initial report, this update comes from Vicky Bowskill, Countryside Access Development Officer at Hampshire County Council.

I am writing further to the consultation sent out 19th April 2011 regarding proposals to reopen Cradle Lane, which is recorded as a Byway Open to All Traffic, to motorised users. We received a strong reaction to this consultation and have carefully considered all the points that were raised against the relevant legislation and Hampshire County Council's Policy regarding the use of Traffic Regulation Orders.

This lane has, in the past, suffered badly from damage caused by inappropriate vehicular use. In view of the strong opposition to vehicular use of this route and in order to protect the significant investment that has been made in repairing this route, ensuring that it remains in a safe and enjoyable condition for all other path users, it is now proposed to make a permanent Traffic Regulation Order to restrict vehicles with 3 or more wheels from using this route at any time. There is little evidence that two wheeled motorbikes have caused, or are likely to cause, significant damage to the surface during the drier months of the year. As such it is proposed that vehicles with two wheels be restricted between 31st August and 31st May each year, but allowed to use the route during the months of June, July and August. This use will be reviewed following next summer and a further decision made about the appropriateness of this seasonal use by motorbikes for the long term.

I would welcome your views on this proposal. If you have any comments to make and wish them to be taken into account by the Council, I would be grateful if written submissions could be sent to me either by email to or by post to Hampshire County Council, Mottisfont Court, High Street, Winchester SO23 8ZF by 21st July 2011.


  1. Motor cycling 'green laneing' is done by groups of motor cyclists rather than one at a time. These can sometimes number in the hundreds.
    There is no way of controlling speed or if my informants are to be believed, a lack of consideration for other users. The County of Derbyshire is particularly blighted by inconsiderate green laners even though it is illegal to damage the surface of a highway.
    When all is said and done the idea is to get away from the proximity of traffic, which to be brutally honest is incompatible with non-motorised use on the very narrow lanes and particularly those which escaped tarmacing during WW2 such as Cradle Lane.

  2. Maureen;
    'Green laneing' by motorcyclists is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN done by groups of HUNDREDS of bikes.

    A deep ford on a muddy lane is an excellent way of controlling speed.

    Consideration for other users goes both ways, closing a byway to vehicles because YOU don't think it's suitable, is not showing consideration to other users.

    Does Cradle Lane go further than shown on my O.S. maps? What has Derbyshire got to do with it?

    Damage to the surface of a Highway is caused by 4x4's, motorbikes, horses, cycles, pedestrians, dogs, farm animals, wild animals, rain, sunshine, wind, rivers, trees, plants and many other things, lets ban these as well!

    If you want to get away from the proximity of traffic, use the MANY Bridleways in the parish and not the ONLY Byway Open to All TRAFFIC,the name says it all! Of course if there are not enough Bridleways near to you, then you could try to get some footpaths upgraded to byway status. except of course if they happen to run through or close to your property then you could try to get them closed!

    Cradle Lane probably escaped tarmacing during WW2 because people where a little bit busy elsewhere.
